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Norm's Farms has a new Farm Manager!

Norm's Farms has a new Farm Manager!
Norm's Farms has found an awesome new Farm Manager, which just goes to show you that sometimes dreams do come true.  As many of you know, we've been without a Farm Manager for the past year.  About 10 months ago we let our friends at the University of Missouri know that we were on the look out for a talented young person committed to bio-dynamic and organic farming methods to fill the role for us.  We've been attending farm conferences and reaching out to organic growers associations to get the word out, too.  While we've been looking for that elusive special someone, we've used the last year to make some needed improvements to our farm house and the farm.

As so often happens, just when we were on the home stretch of the farm house remodel and wondering if we would ever find the right person, we received an email from Bennett Wickenhauser, a recent graduate from the University of Missouri.  Bennett graduated in December 2014 with a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife, minoring in Soil Science, Plant Science and Biological Science.  Bennett has two big passions in his life: Bio-dynamic organic farming and elderberries!  Obviously, we had to meet this man.  Bennett immediately impressed us with his knowledge about plants and soils, poly-phenols and anthocyanins, and creating healthy Eco-systems.  He was quickly able to create plans for incorporating our ponds, pastures and woodlands into one healthy farm that can produce the elderberries we need for Norm's Farms, and some healthy food for the local community around Columbia, Missouri too.  We realized that we had found the right person for our farm.

Bennett starts full time with us on March 1.  In the meanwhile he and his two dogs will be moving their belongings into the farm house and getting settled.  We are very excited to have Bennett on board and can't wait to share the stories that come from this great bio-dynamic adventure!
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