This month, we sat down with Soni Copeland, owner of Herb Depot and Organic Market out of Monett, Missouri for a chat. This is a story about her entrepreneurial journey in the health and wellness space and her experience with Norm’s Farms.
Soni is a naturopath, mother and the business owner. Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It embraces many therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling. Naturopathy was brought to the United States from Germany in the 1800s, but some of its treatments are centuries old. Soni’s business—Herb Depot and Organic Market was established in 1996, 24 years ago after she discovered her passion for naturopathic medicine. That story begins with her kids.
Before she started her business Soni had two children in high school and middle school. They each had some health issues and after visiting several specialists they could not find the answers they were looking for so she took matters into her own hands and decided to investigate a solution herself. Soni was raised on Shaklee’s Vitamins and was familiar with the capability natural medicine had on the body.
“After many trips to childrens’ specialists and doctors I realized that I would have to find answers on my own. That falls on your shoulders when you’re a mother. You look after your kids better than anyone else would,” she said.
Her children were the catalysts to her pursuit for better health but she soon discovered her love of natural medicine. She became invested in the study of naturopathy and the way the body’s well-being works in conjunction with every aspect of its life.
Nowadays it isn’t uncommon for parent’s to ask their kids to stay off their phones during family time, but in Soni’s case, her family had to ask her to put the books down.“I was just so fascinated with everything I was reading. I saw what naturopathy had done to help my children, and later my husband.” Said Soni. In 1996 her father encouraged her to take her love of holistic living into the business space. Soni went on to become a certified naturopath and opened the doors to Herb Depot and Organic Market. Her store provides a wonderful atmosphere and great service to those seeking her help.
Some years ago before any of the mainstream media accepted elderberry as a source of immune support, Co-Owner of Norm’s Farms Brittany Lueckenhoff, introduced the liquid supplements and jams to Herb Depot and Organic Market.
“You can thank Brittany for spoiling us,” said Soni who, in the beginning like many of our wholesalers hosted product tastings for her customers.
With the debut of Norm’s Farms Organic Elderberry Gummies earlier this year, Herb Depot and Organic Market was among the first stores to bring them to the public’s attention. “You guys have been so good to me. I sometimes think I am spoiled being so close to your headquarters. Fast delivery and great relationships. I’ve always tried to be the best advocate for the brands I carry. And not only that, but I want to carry the best products. Your supplements are incredible. People want product choices, sure, but at the end of the day they want to know which products that my associates and I take. I take Norm’s Farms.” Said Soni.

We understand. There is nothing like giving someone their health back and Soni knows that better than anyone. As we sat in her office and shared stories of our journey in the past year we couldn’t help but smile and think about the future ahead.